Learning your 6 times tables and need to make it a bit more visual? Laying out items in multiples of six can be a great way to boost confidence and understanding. But what comes in groups of 6? We have done a little digging.
The first thing that springs to mind are insects.
All insects have 6 legs. Here are some other key characteristics of insects:

Insects are always a source of fascination:
- Did you know that a butterfly tastes with its feet?
- The stag beetle is the largest insect to be found in the UK - if you have ever been lucky enough to see one, you will know how surprisingly big they are!
- Dragonflies have been on earth for 300 million years.
- Fruit flies were the first insect to be sent into space. You have to wonder why they were picked - but I diverge. Back to times tables.

Our old friend the lego brick is usually to hand. Lay them out. Count the dots.

In the UK these are sold by the dozen or half dozen.

A hexagon has six sides.

Regular hexagons tessellate really well. That is one of the reasons that bees use this shape for their honeycomb. It wasn't until 1999 (after 1000s of years of trying) that anyone was able to provide mathematical proof of what is known as the “Honeycomb Conjecture".

Photo by Meggyn Pomerleau on Unsplash

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